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Free Shipping on orders $50 & UP

Free Shipping on orders $50 & UP


For many years, brass leaves were the staple product in my workshop. When we produced our 300 piece line back in the early to mid 90's, I never purchased less than ten gross of our most-used styles at a time. You may not need that many! LOL But for sure, leaves are a perfect design element for cagework and collaged jewelry pieces, and something you will not want to be without. Many of these leaf stampings are plated, but some are not: read the descriptions carefully and look at the SKU numbers to discern. Questions? Write me! I'll answer one right here: can you colorize over plating? Sometimes! I have success colorizing over brass ox findings. The other colors work at times. Old Rose Ox has a slight shine and doesn't work very well to Gilder's Paste or colorize over. Better still to start with a raw brass, unplated finding.

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